Application for Japan Association of Foreigners
※ are the must
※ Types of memberships
Company name
Job title
※Name of representative
Postal code
Company website
Establishment date
※ Types of job(Multiple choice up to 5)
Business content
Business content
Numbers of foreign talents recruited
※Language preference from HQ
■ Exclusion of Anti Social Forces
1 Each Party represents and warrants that such Party and its officers and major shareholders:
(1) are not the Anti Social Forces (defined below);
(2) are not a member of the Anti Social Forces;
(3) do not have any socially criticized relationship with the Anti Social Forces such as providing funding or other support, or conducting continuous business transactions.
2 “Anti Social Forces” shall mean an organized crime group, a corporate racketeer, and any other similar organization.
3 Each party shall be entitled to terminate this Agreement without prior notice if the other party breaches any of the representations and warranties in the above clause